pa Iximulew

sábado, 5 de julio de 2008

Learning Kaqchikel is serious business

As you can clearly see in the above picture, our daily classroom environment is highly serious. We don't laugh or make jokes at all. Everyone stays politely seated. Nope, no fun at all.

Some of you may remember my post from last year about the day we learn animals. Since it's all communicative, this requires acting out the animals while repeating the vocabulary words. And as I posted last year, one of the funniest parts was when Aq'ab'al acted out the dog. Of course, being communicative, once the instructors act out the vocabulary to present it, then it's the students turn to get in some good ole TPR and act it out themselves. And guess who got to be the dog this year?

That's a rabbit and a cow on the floor with me. Thanks to Ixnal for capturing this precious moment on my camera while I was debilitated as an animal on the floor.

While I'm in the business of embarrassment photographs, here is one of me with Ixkem and her two-month-old baby boy Kame'. Two of the instructors have babies who are several months old, so it's really cute to have them around the class. Kame' seems to think it's hysterical whenever anyone speaks English.

I did manage to buy one more huipil. The region around the town of Santiago Atitlán, on Lake Atitlán, has this gorgeous pattern of hand-embroidered birds. Typically they have a lot of different colors of browns and such, but I found this gorgeous one with all shades of purple. Now I have to figure out how to wear it, since it feels so formal in comparison to other daily ones! This is what the top half has (this is just a section). Each bird is maybe 2-3" big.

And by popular demand, those of you who wish to see me in the huipil-faja-jeans look may do so here. That is a Nahualá huipil, and it has the double-headed eagle pattern. It's my smallest one (it's really like a preteen size) - the others are just more blousey.

Tomorrow we head for Tecpán, which is higher in elevation and is supposed to be cold. We'll be there for a week before heading to the Lake Atitlán and Panajachel.

5 comentarios:

Miguel Esquirol Ríos dijo...

Liz, no se ve ninguna fotografía, pero al menos es bueno leerte.

Liz dijo...

En serio? Uf, estoy harta de este xandros. :p Algunos que utilizan Mac me han dicho que si se ven las fotos. A lo mejor puedo cambiarlas dentro de poco para que todos las vean. Gracias por avisarme!

Ashlee dijo...

Posting in your blog makes me wish I spoke Spanish, although, I can read your comments, I just can't post back in Spanish.

Awww it's so cute with your jeans. I love the one with the birds too, it's gorgeous craftmanship!

I just love the face you're making when you are seeing the baby! So cute!

Glad class is going well!

Freda dijo...

Oh my god. As I've said before about other pictures of you...I can actually HEAR that photo.

Your huipil/faja combo is totally cute. AND, according to Lucky, the ethnic tunic look is in for late summer and fall. Will you have the guts to rock it stateside?

And I totally LOVE the new one with the birds. Ugh. I am going to have to update my tejido slides for Academy and OSU...

Liz dijo...

Well you'll have to tell me whether or not it looks like I'm wearing a burlap sack, then I'll see if I'm brave enough!

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